Showing posts with label cameroon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cameroon. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

National Identification Card Fee Hike Sparks Frustration In Cameroon

Cameroonians are facing a double blow: a rising cost of living and a recent government decision to increase the fees associated with obtaining a national identification card. 

This comes at a particularly difficult time for the country, as inflation rates have doubled, leaving many struggling to afford basic necessities like food.

Critics argue that the government's decision to raise the ID card fee is insensitive and places an additional burden on citizens already facing significant economic hardship. They point out that many Cameroonians have been waiting for over four years to obtain their national IDs due to previous inefficiencies.

Furthermore, the awarding of the ID card production contract to a German company has raised concerns about transparency and accountability. While the hope is that this new system will lead to faster processing times, there is no guarantee that the long wait times plaguing the program will be resolved.

The combination of economic hardship, long wait times, and a lack of clarity surrounding the new system is fueling frustration among Cameroonians. Many are questioning the government's priorities and calling for a more citizen-centric approach.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Simmering Taxi Dispute: A Sign of Escalating Tensions in Cameroon's Anglophone Crisis

The Northwest Region of Cameroon finds itself at the heart of a tense situation, where a seemingly mundane issue of taxi colors has become a flashpoint in the ongoing Anglophone Crisis. Separatist fighters have issued a decree demanding all taxis in the region be repainted blue and white, their adopted colors. 

This move, endorsed by some diaspora leaders like Ayaba Cho, has deeply divided opinions. While some see it as a symbolic act of defiance against the Cameroonian government, others fear it places innocent civilians at further risk.

The ramifications of this decree are already being felt on the ground. Taxis that fail to comply are being targeted and burned, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. This has pushed the already strained relationship between the separatists and the local population to a breaking point. Many residents rely on taxis for transportation and their livelihoods, and these attacks are causing economic hardship and disrupting daily life.

The potential for further escalation is high. The Cameroonian military has a strong presence in the Northwest Region and is unlikely to tolerate this blatant challenge to its authority. Clashes between the military and separatist fighters have become a tragic norm in the region, and this new development could lead to a surge in violence. The number of military casualties has already been on the rise in recent months, and further conflict will only add to the human cost of this crisis.

The motivations behind the separatists' decree are complex. On one hand, it can be seen as an attempt to establish control over territory and project an image of a functioning, independent state. The chosen colors, blue and white, hold symbolic weight for the Anglophone movement, representing their aspirations for a separate nation called Ambazonia.

However, critics argue that this move is reckless and endangers civilians. They point out that the vast majority of taxi drivers are simply trying to make a living and have no desire to be caught in the crossfire of the conflict. The burning of taxis not only destroys people's property but also makes it more difficult for ordinary citizens to go about their daily lives.

Furthermore, some diaspora leaders have voiced their disapproval of the decree. They argue that such tactics alienate the very population whose support the separatists need to achieve their goals. They advocate for a more nuanced approach that prioritizes the safety and well-being of civilians caught in the middle of the crisis.

The taxi color dispute is a microcosm of the larger Anglophone Crisis. It highlights the deep-seated frustrations of the English-speaking population who feel marginalized by the French-dominated government. However, it also exposes the challenges faced by the separatist movement in its quest for independence. Striking a balance between asserting their authority and protecting civilians is crucial for the movement's long-term legitimacy and success.

The international community has a critical role to play in brokering peace in Cameroon.  Pressuring the Cameroonian government to address the grievances of the Anglophone population is essential to de-escalate the situation. Additionally, supporting initiatives that promote dialogue and reconciliation between the different factions is vital to finding a lasting solution to this complex conflict.

The future of the Northwest Region remains uncertain. The taxi color dispute serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of the peace and the potential for further violence.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


An explosion occurred at a popular bar near the Regional Hospital in Bamenda, injuring several individuals and resulting in one reported fatality. The injured individuals have been promptly transported to the hospital for medical attention. 

According to an eyewitness present at the scene, the explosion seems to have been caused by a grenade thrown into the bar. The eyewitness described the chaotic situation, stating, "We were drinking in the bar when we heard the explosion and I fell under the table while other people slept on me, that is how I was safe, but many people were seriously injured."

This incident aligns with previous events in the area, as there have been reports of explosive devices detonating in the Hospital Roundabout area of Bamenda. Additionally, the Ambazonia Defense Forces (ADF) claimed responsibility for a similar incident in the past. The government has confirmed casualties and injuries resulting from attacks in the region, with reports of soldiers, policemen, and civilians being affected. The explosive device is reported to have been planted overnight, and separatist fighters are suspected to be involved in the attack.

The injured individuals, including soldiers, policemen, and civilians, have been taken to the Bamenda Regional Hospital for proper medical attention. The hospital, which serves as a 3rd level reference health institution for the North West region, has been actively involved in responding to the aftermath of the explosion.

The situation in Bamenda reflects a complex and challenging environment, with ongoing clashes and anti-government protests leading to violent confrontations between protesters and security forces. The region has experienced significant unrest, with various groups and forces involved in escalating tensions.

The incident underscores the need for continued efforts to address the underlying causes of conflict and instability in the region, as well as the importance of providing support and care for those affected by these tragic events.

Monday, May 6, 2024


The ongoing conflict in Cameroon, particularly in the Anglophone regions, has deep historical and political roots that make the simple act of making an Anglophone the president unlikely to solve the problem. Here are the key reasons:

Historical Marginalization and Linguistic Divide.

The conflict has been fueled by long-standing grievances of Anglophones feeling marginalized by the central government, which is largely controlled by Francophones. The linguistic split has led to violence and brought Cameroon to the brink of civil war. The Anglophone regions have repeatedly complained of discrimination and exclusion, and the failure to address these historical grievances has contributed to the escalation of the conflict. Most francophones now say it not most tv platforms that an Anglophone can never be president. 

Secessionist Movements and Independence Declaration.

Secessionist groups in the Anglophone regions have declared the independence of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, citing recolonization rather than decolonization and viewing the situation as a case of black-on-black colonization. The declaration of independence and the armed conflict have further complicated the situation, making it more than just a matter of leadership representation and so making an Anglophone a president will not solve the problem.

Government's Response and Lack of Dialogue.

The Cameroonian government's response, including arrests and a military approach, has worsened the crisis. The refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Anglophone federalists, who have never advocated violence, has further exacerbated the situation. The government's actions have unfortunately been accompanied by a refusal to engage in any meaningful dialogue with the arm separatist, leading to a significant loss of lives. Failure by the central government has only led to the multiplication of different arm groups. As it stands now there is no prominent Anglophone that if made president today, can sincerely go down to the war thorn northwest and southwest region and have dialogue with the arm groups. 

International Concern and Human Rights Violations

The conflict has garnered international attention, with concerns raised by the US, UK, France, and the European Union about the deteriorating human rights situation in the Anglophone regions. The restrictions on basic rights and freedoms, along with the government's response to the crisis, have been subject to international scrutiny.

Simply making an Anglophone the president would not address these complex and deeply ingrained issues. Instead, a comprehensive approach that addresses historical grievances, promotes dialogue, and respects human rights is essential for resolving the conflict.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Cameroon’s Senate President at 88: Balancing Legacy and Adaptation

Marcel Niat Njifenji, the 88-year-old outgoing President of the Senate of Cameroon, has been re-elected. In a recent vote held at the Yaoundé Congress Palace, Senator Niat secured 97 votes. According to the Cameroonian Constitution, the President of the Senate serves as an interim leader in case of a definitive vacancy in the presidency. He has been in this office since 2013 when the senate was established in Cameroon. His re-election at such an advanced age is remarkable and underscores his enduring commitment to public service.

Marcel Niat Njifenji, at 88 years old, faces several challenges due to his age as he continues to serve as the President of the Senate in Cameroon:

Physical Stamina and Health: Age-related physical limitations affect his ability to handle the demanding responsibilities of the position reason why he spends most of the time abroad on medical life.

Mental Agility and Decision-Making: While experience is valuable, cognitive decline can impact decision-making and adaptability. Keeping up with complex legislative matters, debates, and policy changes requires mental sharpness. Since the senate was created, no meaningful decision has been made by the Cameroon senate that can better the lives of most Cameroonians, especially those in the northwest and southwest regions of Cameroon where lives are continuously being lost as a result of the ongoing war and the humanitarian situation continues to escalate.

Representation and Connection: As a leader, Niat needs to connect with citizens, represent their interests, and engage in public discourse. His age has hindered his ability to relate to younger generations or address their concerns effectively. Niat has barely visited other regions of the country since becoming senate president on a working visit.

Succession Planning: Niat’s prolonged tenure raises questions about succession planning. It’s essential to groom and empower younger leaders to ensure continuity and fresh perspectives. With the president of Cameroon already 92 years old, Nait is the next in line to replace the president in case of death. Most young Cameroonians don’t see this as the best option.

As Cameroon moves forward, it will be interesting to observe how Senator Niat’s leadership contributes to the country’s progress and addresses the evolving needs of its citizens.



Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Separatist Group Imposes One-Month Lockdown on Batibo, Cameroon Following Killing of their General

In a bid to retaliate against the Cameroon military for the killing of one of the separatist fighter several months ago, a separatist group (ADF) in Batibo, located in the Northwest region of Cameroon, has enforced a one-month lockdown on the local population.

The decision to impose the lockdown was announced by the ADF group, citing the need to mourn the loss of their fallen leader and to protest against what they perceive as ongoing aggression from the Cameroon military and also conspiracy on the part of some local indigent. 

Tensions have been escalating in the region following the killing of the separatist general, which occurred during clashes between the group and government forces. Reports indicate that the general was a prominent figure within the separatist movement, and his death has sparked outrage among supporters.

As a result of the lockdown, residents of Batibo are facing severe restrictions on their movement and access to essential services, including healthcare and education. The situation has raised concerns among humanitarian organizations about the well-being of the local population, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.

The imposition of the one-month lockdown underscores the deep-rooted grievances and ongoing conflict between separatist groups and the Cameroonian government in the Northwest region and Southwest region. Efforts to resolve the crisis through dialogue and negotiations have so far been unsuccessful, leaving many residents trapped in a cycle of violence and instability.

Local authorities have yet to comment on the situation, and it remains unclear how long the lockdown will last or what steps will be taken to address the humanitarian impact on the affected population.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Humanitarian Crisis Escalates as People Suffer in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon Amid Ongoing Conflict

The North West and South West regions of Cameroon have been mired in a protracted conflict, leading to a worsening humanitarian crisis. The escalating violence and instability have resulted in immense suffering for the local population, with thousands of people displaced, basic services disrupted, and a dire need for humanitarian aid.

The conflict has forced countless families to flee their homes, seeking safety in neighboring towns or becoming internally displaced within the country. According to the United Nations, over 700,000 people have been displaced, with many living in overcrowded camps or seeking refuge in host communities. This displacement has not only uprooted lives but also strained resources and exacerbated the vulnerability of those affected

The ongoing conflict has severely hampered the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need. Non-governmental organizations and humanitarian agencies face significant challenges in accessing affected areas due to insecurity, roadblocks, and limited resources. As a result, many people are left without access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, healthcare, and education.

The conflict has disrupted education in the regions, with schools being targeted, burned down, or serving as shelters for displaced individuals. Thousands of children are unable to attend school, depriving them of their right to education and limiting their future prospects. Additionally, the healthcare system has been severely strained, with hospitals and clinics damaged or closed, leaving people without access to essential medical services

The conflict has also taken a heavy toll on the economy of the North West and South West regions. Businesses have been forced to close, farms abandoned, and livelihoods shattered. The loss of income and economic opportunities has left many families struggling to meet their basic needs, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

The international community has called for an end to the violence and a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Cameroon. Humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide assistance and support to those affected, but the scale of the crisis requires greater attention and resources from the global community.

As the conflict in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon persists, the suffering of the local population continues to mount. Urgent action is needed to address the humanitarian crisis, including facilitating access for aid organizations, ensuring the protection of civilians, and working towards a peaceful resolution. Only through concerted efforts and international cooperation can the people of these regions hope to rebuild their lives and find lasting stability.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


The United Nations can play a crucial role in supervising a referendum in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon to end all the unnecessary killing in these regions. 

The presence of the United Nations can help ensure a fair, transparent, and credible process, which is essential for the legitimacy and acceptance of the referendum results.

The United Nations has a history of involvement in conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts around the world. In the case of Cameroon, the United Nations has already been engaged in addressing the Anglophone crisis. The African Union has also intervened in the conflict, highlighting regional and international concerns for a peaceful resolution. One thing that is worth mentioning is that these contributions have mostly been made words either condemning the killings or asking both sides to drop their weapons and call for dialogue. These have all been ignored by both camps. Many have also called on the United Nations and the African Union to impose sanctions on the Cameroon government so that they can call for a serious dialogue or take sincere steps to solve the problem.

Supervising a referendum would involve various aspects, including the establishment of an independent electoral commission, ensuring the security and safety of the voting process, and providing technical assistance and expertise. The United Nations can contribute to these efforts by providing logistical support, monitoring the process to prevent any irregularities, and ensuring the participation of all relevant stakeholders.

International supervision can help build trust among the parties involved and increase the likelihood of a peaceful resolution. It can also provide a platform for dialogue and negotiation, allowing the different factions to express their views and concerns.

However, it is important to note that the success of a referendum and the resolution of the conflict cannot solely rely on the United Nations or any external actor. The commitment and willingness of all parties involved, including the Cameroonian government, separatist groups, and the local population, are crucial for a sustainable peace process.

Friday, February 16, 2024


A video has surfaced online, featuring youths and taxi drivers in Buea urging the 91-year-old president of Cameroon, who has held power for over four decades, to stand for the 2025 presidential elections. President Biya, barely able to walk, is seldom seen in public except for his annual addresses on December 31st and February 10th.

Cameroon has been embroiled in a war for over 7 years, with the president unable to address or resolve the conflict. Many question the motives of the Buea youths, speculating whether the move was sponsored by politicians seeking personal gains. Notably, the youth in Buea has never protested calling for an end to the ongoing war.

Since President Biya assumed power, inflation has more than doubled, causing significant hardship for most Cameroonians. Meanwhile, top government officials enjoy a lavish lifestyle funded by state resources. Despite allegations of embezzlement by state ministers, no legal actions have been taken, even for funds intended to fight COVID-19, promised by the president two years ago.

The call by Buea youths for President Biya's candidacy raises suspicions. With 63% of Cameroon's youths unemployed and the government providing minimal solutions, many resort to self-employment, facing high taxes on small startups. The consequences of such actions include potential political manipulation, exacerbation of economic hardships, and a failure to address crucial issues such as unemployment and embezzlement. Advocating for job opportunities and government intervention would likely be a more prudent approach.

Sunday, February 11, 2024


A video of a Member of Parliament Ngala Gerald moving on the streets with military forces and sharing money to the youths of Nkambe to come out on the 11th of February and take part in the youth day match past celebration has surfaced online.

 It's a shame for the government not to solve a problem but instead endanger the lives of its citizens on a day that is supposed to be a youth day. Youth Day celebrations ended abruptly in Nkambe,  Donga mantung Division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon after a bomb blast reportedly occurred at the grandstand. Many students could be seen running back home while others were seriously injured.

one question we must ask is why he should be giving money before people can come out to take part in the February 11th celebration. Before now, youths used to go out gladly and celebrate this day. what has happened out of a sudden, why does the government have to force people and even bribe some to come out and match.

Poverty is being used as a weapon to manipulate the population by the elite class. The poor population who are already going through hardship imposed on them as a result of the ongoing war remains very volatile when politicians show up with bags of money and share while asking them to do things that may put their lives in jeopardy. 

The civilians have to understand that the government is only sharing money so that they can come out and videos will be received and sent to Yaounde to make a false claim that everything is normal. The population has to understand that their security is in their hands because the government has failed to protect civilians since this war started. Most of the elite class and their families live outside of these regions and only come in when there are celebrations and are also well guarded by the military. 


President Paul Biya addressed the Cameroonian youth in a speech that resonated with a lot of mixed feelings owning to the current realities the youths are going through on a day-to-day bases in Cameroon. The speech was not any different from what he has been telling Cameroonians for more than 40 years in power. 

The speech given to young Cameroonians, while addressing some pressing issues and trying to provide reassurances, also carries several negative aspects:

  1. The tone of Dismissal: The speech seems to downplay the gravity of certain concerns, such as the disappointment of the Indomitable Lions' early elimination from the Africa Cup Nations. While acknowledging the disappointment, the tone quickly shifts to a call for continued perseverance without addressing the underlying issues causing concern.

  2. Minimization of Concerns: The speech touches upon the recent fuel price hikes which have left many young Cameroonians unable to go about their businesses and also fails to acknowledge the worries of young people regarding the impact on their living conditions. However, the assurances provided may come across as insufficient or even dismissive, especially considering the significant economic implications of such increases on youth livelihoods. most Cameroonians were expecting to hear the president provide better palliative measures.

  3. Lack of Concrete Solutions: While the speech mentions various initiatives and efforts undertaken by the government to address youth concerns, it lacks specificity in terms of concrete solutions or immediate actions to alleviate pressing issues such as unemployment or emigration. most youths in Cameroon are unemployed and most of them who try to do a start-up are usually discouraged by the poor tax system in the country. Small businesses are expected to start paying taxes immediately after their business is set up.

  4. Blame-shifting: The speech indirectly shifts responsibility for the challenges onto external factors, such as budget constraints or societal moral decay, without fully acknowledging the role of government policies or actions in exacerbating these issues. The president fail to acknowledge the fact that a lot of money is being wasted on fighting the war in the northwest and southwest regions of the country.

  5. Emigration Discouragement: While cautioning against the perils of emigration, the speech fails to address the root causes driving young people to seek opportunities abroad, such as lack of job prospects, political instability, or limited access to quality education and healthcare.

  6. Disconnecting from Youth Reality: The speech may come across as out of touch with the realities faced by many young people, especially concerning economic hardships, social inequalities, and aspirations for a better future. It lacks empathy and fails to adequately address the frustrations and anxieties of the youth demographic.

While the speech attempts to acknowledge and address youth concerns, it falls short in providing meaningful solutions, empathy, and a genuine understanding of the challenges faced by young compatriots.

Thursday, February 1, 2024


More lives continue to be lost in war thorn south west region of Cameroon as separatist fighters storm the city of Buea on Monday and several cars where burn and many civilians, military as well as a Divisional officer where killed in the attack. 

Mondays have been impose by the separatist as a day for civil disobedience and civilians are always expected to stay home, businesses are also close as well as schools. In recent times the City of Buea have been disrespecting this  order and the government on the other hand has also described Buea as a town were life is normal. 

The attack took place for more than one hour yet the military was no were to be found. It should be noted that Buea is highly militarise since the war started and it remains a mystery why the military didn't show up. The city of Buea has numerous check points mounted by the military with some of them less than two kilometers apart. These check points have rather been use to extort money from taxi drivers as well as the suffering population.

While the population of Buea keeps living in fear of the unknown, they are also calling on the government to call for a sincere dialogue and discuss the root cause of the problem because no country can win a gorilla war. Others are also asking the UN to organize a referendum and let the people decide if the one to live as one Cameroon or as two separate states.

The Cameroon government keeps preaching normalcy yet lives are continually being lost every day in both North West and South west region. The call for a sincere dialogue by the international community has been ignored by the Cameroon government. Rather the government has choose the military option. 

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