Showing posts with label World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Missing Australians and American Found Dead

The situation in Mexico has taken a tragic turn. Recent reports indicate that authorities have made a devastating discovery in Mexico's Baja California state. They have recovered three bodies in an area, which are believed to be those of two Australians, Jake and Callum Robinson, and an American, Jack Carter Rhoad, who went missing last weekend.

The bodies were found in a well, and although forensic examination is pending, the physical characteristics, such as hair and clothing, strongly suggest that they are the missing individuals. It is a heartbreaking situation, and the families of the victims have already identified them. The loss of these young individuals is deeply saddening.

The missing individuals were suspected victims of highway bandits. In connection with this case, authorities have arrested three suspects. This is an important development in the ongoing investigation, and it brings hope for justice for the victims and their families. The authorities are working tirelessly to gather evidence and uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.

In addition to the bodies of the three foreigners, another body was found at the site. However, it is important to note that this body is unrelated to the missing individuals. It had been there for a long time before the discovery was made. The investigation will likely focus on determining the circumstances surrounding this additional discovery as well.

This incident has gained significant international attention, and rightfully so. The loss of these young lives has struck a chord with people around the world. The U.S. State Department is closely monitoring the situation, further emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Their involvement underscores the importance of finding answers and ensuring the safety of travelers.

The area where the bodies were found is near the remote seaside location where the missing men's tents and truck were discovered. This proximity raises questions about the connection between the two events. Investigators will likely explore any potential links between the discovery of the bodies and the abandoned campsite. Unraveling these connections will be crucial in shedding light on the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and tragic deaths of these individuals.

Thursday, March 28, 2024


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) orders effective measures to ensure without delay in full cooperation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene, and sanitation requirements. As well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary. The court has ordered Israel to take additional measures as the humanitarian situation worsens in Gaza. ICJ ordered the Israeli military not to commit acts that constitute violations of Palestinian rights, and the judges ordered Israel to report within a month on measures taken.

The ICJ said these new provisional measures were meant because of a change in the situation on grounds in Gaza. When they issued their provisional measures on January 26 at that point there was only a risk of famine in Gaza but now famine is setting in and that is why the provision has to be updated. A report says more than one million people are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity, twenty-seven (27) children have died of severe malnutrition and Israel is using starvation as their weapon for war. The World Food Program has warned of an imminent famine in Gaza with devastating public health consequences. 

The bone of contention is, will Israel respect the International Court of Justice order|? and if not what sanctions will be given to Israel for non-respect?. This is not the first time the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has passed an order and Israel has never respected it. It has also shown that Israel is out to destroy Gaza and the only thing that can stop them is sanctions not only on Israel but on countries who are supplying weapons to Israel. 

The international community failed to address the issue when South Africa sued Israel for human rights violations in Gaza. Israel's continuous genocide committed in Gaza shows the weakness in international law and it is time for the people to use their forces to bring change not only in Gaza but their respective countries where their incompetent old rulers misused the powers given to them to manipulate laws and keep staying in power and any opposition is silent. Africans should arise and copy what happened in Senegal where the people raised their voices together and brought change in their presidential election.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Independent United States presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior has announced his running mate for the 2024 November presidential elections. Nicole Shanahan will be running for the vice presidency alongside Kennedy. The Thirty-eight (38yrs) years old attorney and technology entrepreneur from the Saint Francisco Bay Area is also the former wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. She has never held any electoral office but has previously donated to Democratic presidential candidates. 

Robert Kennedy made his announcement at a rally in Oakland California. Kennedy praised Shanahan that she has the skills necessary to be a great vice president and she agrees with him that the United States government no longer served the people but it is for the world street and the extremely wealthy.

Shanahan during the rally stated that "It has become part of my determination to do something for my country" and that " The purpose of wealth is to help those in need " She said "And I want to bring that back to politics too. That is the purpose of privilege".

Kennedy had sparked controversy for his stated beliefs in several discredited conspiracy theories including that coronavirus vaccines were developed to control people via microchips. Kennedy also pushed the decade-old theory that the C.I.A  killed his uncle former president John F. Kennedy. Kennedy is not expected to win many votes but could influence the outcome of the race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump since the third candidate had influenced the past United States presidential elections.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


The U.S. House recently passed a bill demanding TikTok owner ByteDance sell the app to a U.S. company within six months or face a ban. Democrats and Republicans say the popular video-sharing app TikTok poses a threat to national security as more than a hundred and seven million Americans use TikTok, supporters of the ban say data collected by the app could be used by the Chinese government to manipulate algorithms that they fear could ultimately sway voters, particularly ahead of the US presidential election in November. The bill has been sent to the Senate for votes, but analyses say even if it is passed, it will face a set of legal challenges. President of the United States Joe Biden says TikTok could be a national security risk, but in an election year banning TikTok could hurt Biden in the polls, especially among young voters.

TikTok states that a forced sale will amount to banning the App Nation Wild, which will endanger three hundred thousand (300.0000) American jobs and the income of many small businesses. TikTok also says all American user's data are stored in the US, but the sale will be extremely difficult due to regulations Beijing has put in place since 2020.  

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said "US TikTok incident enabled the world to see clearly whether the so-called rule space order serves the world or America itself...". Beijing has accused the US of using national security as an excuse to bully Chinese companies.

TikTok CEO Shou Z Chew promised they will continue to do all they can including exercising their legal rights to protect the amazing platform which they built with all the users and that he believes they can overcome this threat from America with the support of all those using the app. He urged users to lobby their representatives in Washington DC.

In China internet users cannot access TikTok, but that has not stopped them from weighing in on the issue. Some Chinese citizens say TikTok is being targeted because US companies have not been able to compete with its explosive popularity. Others say it is seen as a form of theft stealing valuable commercial value from a legitimate business enterprise by the US government. Also, some critics say 

Monday, February 26, 2024

US Service Member Sets Himself on Fire in Protest Against the War in Gaza

In a shocking act of protest against the ongoing conflict in Gaza, an active-duty member of the United States military set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The incident occurred on Sunday, and the airman later succumbed to his injuries, as confirmed by the U.S. Air Force. The act of self-immolation was captured on video and livestreamed on social media platform Twitch before the tragic event took place.

The airman's protest was an apparent act of dissent against Israel's military actions in Gaza, which have resulted in a significant loss of life and displacement of people. The conflict between Israel and Hamas, which began after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7, has been marked by intense violence and humanitarian concerns. The airman's extreme act of protest highlights the deep emotions and concerns surrounding the conflict and its impact on the Palestinian population.

It is important to note that self-harm or violence is not a productive or effective means of expressing dissent or advocating for change. Peaceful dialogue, diplomacy, and engagement are essential for resolving conflicts and addressing grievances. The international community continues to work towards finding a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promoting stability in the region.

This incident is not the first of its kind during the ongoing conflict. In December of the previous year, a protester set themselves on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, also in an act of extreme political protest. These incidents serve as a stark reminder of the deep-seated emotions and frustrations surrounding the conflict and the urgent need for peaceful resolutions.

The United States, as a key player in the region, has been involved in efforts to de-escalate the conflict and promote a ceasefire. While the U.S. government has expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself, there have also been calls for restraint and efforts to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. President Biden has become more critical of Israel's tactics, and the State Department has bypassed Congress to approve emergency weapons sales to Israel.

It is crucial to remember that seeking peaceful and constructive ways to address conflicts and advocate for change is essential for promoting understanding and fostering positive outcomes. The tragic act of self-immolation by the U.S. service member underscores the urgency of finding a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the ongoing violence.

Please note that the information provided in this article is based on available sources and news reports.

Friday, October 13, 2023


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The move will distinguish the DRC as one of the few nations with embassies in the disputed city of Jerusalem joining the United States, Guatemala, and Honduras. The relocation is anticipated within the coming months, though no specific date has been disclosed. The decision to transfer the embassy has garnered varied reactions. Advocates argue that it signifies the acknowledgment of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and a stride towards regional peace. They further assert that it demonstrates the strong bonds between Israel and the DRC.

president of DRC and Prime Minister of Israel

However, critics contend that it defies international law and undermines endeavors to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jerusalem holds immense religious significance for Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike, and has long been the focal point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict spanning numerous years. Israel regards Jerusalem as its capital and has persistently sought international recognition for this position. Nevertheless, most nations currently maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv, awaiting a resolution to the ongoing conflict.

The decision made by the DRC to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem occurs during a period of heightened tensions between Israel and Palestine. In recent times, there have been numerous instances of violence within the area, with each side pointing fingers at the other for their aggressive actions. The decision is likely to be viewed as a provocative gesture by Palestinians and could potentially result in additional turmoil in the region. 

Overall, the verdict made by the DRC to shift its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has elicited mixed responses. While proponents argue that it signifies the acceptance of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and a stride towards regional harmony, critics contend that it defies international law and undermines attempts to find a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains to be seen how this choice will influence relations between Israel and Palestine, as well as whether it will give rise to further unrest in the region.


African leaders have been responding to the ongoing dispute between Israel and Hamas in the wake of Hamas' unprecedented and multifaceted attack on Israel. The attack, known as "Al-Aqsa Storm" by Hamas, stands as the largest and most devastating assault on Israel since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Indeed, militants made their way into Gaza early on Saturday, employing various modes of entry, including land, air, and sea, thereby leaving behind a trail of terror and destruction. In light of these events, Israel has officially declared a state of war, initiating "Operation Sword of Iron" which involves targeted strikes against suspected Hamas and Islamic Jihad locations within Gaza. 

 Chairperson Moussa Faki 

Israel has also announced a comprehensive siege of Gaza, cutting off vital supplies such as fuel, electricity, food, and water. The ongoing conflict has tragically resulted in a substantial loss of life, with the Israeli Health Service reporting at least 1,200 fatalities and approximately 2,900 injuries within Israel, while the Palestinian Health Authority indicates that at least 1,354 individuals have been killed and over 6,000 injured in Gaza. Additionally, the conflict has caused significant damage to infrastructure and has led to the displacement of countless civilians. 

In Africa, leaders in the region have been responding to the unexpected attack that took place on Saturday, expressing their disapproval of Hamas' aggressive actions. However, their reactions highlight the divisions within the continent regarding the root cause of the conflict and who should be held responsible. It has been confirmed that two individuals from Africa were involved in the conflict, as announced by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, stating that two Tanzanians were among the international civilians targeted in Hamas' surprise attack on Israel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tanzania issued a statement expressing their deep sorrow for the families of both Israelis and Palestinians who lost their lives. Additionally, the statement condemned all acts of violence and called for self-restraint in order to prevent any further loss of human life.

Expressing his deep concern, Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of the African Union (AU), addressed the recent eruption of violence that has had severe repercussions on the lives of both Israeli and Palestinian individuals. Mahamat underscored the disappointing outcome of previous international endeavors to resolve this crisis, emphasizing the urgent need for an autonomous and self-governing nation for the Palestinian people. The Chairperson highlights the fundamental rights of the Palestinians, particularly their entitlement to an independent and sovereign state, which stands as the primary catalyst for the enduring tension between Israel and Palestine. The African Union has promptly called for an immediate cessation of hostilities, imploring both sides to resume diplomatic negotiations.

African Union (AU) Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has expressed his deep concern regarding the eruption of violence, which has had severe ramifications for the Israeli and Palestinian populations. Mahamat has underscored the ineffectiveness of previous global endeavors in resolving this crisis and has advocated for the establishment of an autonomous and self-governing Palestinian nation. It is paramount for the Chairperson to underscore the inherent rights of the Palestinian people, specifically emphasizing that the existence of an independent and sovereign State is the primary catalyst for the enduring Israeli-Palestinian friction. The African Union has further urged an immediate cessation of hostilities and implored both parties to recommence diplomatic negotiations.

In opposition to Tanzania's declaration, a number of African leaders have criticized Israel's reaction to Hamas' assault. President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa has pleaded for a cessation of what he characterized as "Israeli belligerence" towards Palestinians. Furthermore, he has urged both parties to demonstrate restraint and resume negotiations. Likewise, President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe has denounced Israel's actions against Palestinians and demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Blinkin in Mexico: The Trip Comes as Biden Approves New Border Wall

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is in Mexico City for a two-day visit, his first to the country since taking office. The trip comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries, with the Biden administration recently approving construction of a new border wall and Mexico accusing the United States of not doing enough to stop the flow of drugs and guns across the border. Blinken is scheduled to meet with Mexican President Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard to discuss a range of issues, including migration, security, and trade. He is also expected to visit the border city of Tijuana to see firsthand the challenges facing the two countries.

The trip is seen as an important opportunity for Blinken to build bridges with Mexico, and to address some of the concerns that have been raised by the L贸pez Obrador administration. The Biden administration has pledged to take a more humane approach to border security than the Trump administration, but it has also come under pressure from Republicans to take a tougher stance on illegal immigration. The decision to approve construction of a new border wall was particularly controversial, with critics arguing that it is a waste of money and a symbol of American xenophobia. The L贸pez Obrador administration has also criticized the decision, saying that it will only serve to further divide the two countries. Blinken is expected to try to reassure the L贸pez Obrador administration that the Biden administration is committed to working with Mexico to address the challenges facing the two countries. He is also likely to emphasize the importance of migration reform and the need to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty and violence.

The trip comes at a time of critical importance for the relationship between the United States and Mexico. The two countries are close economic partners and share a long border. However, the relationship has been strained in recent years by disagreements over immigration, trade, and security. Blinken's visit is an opportunity to reset the relationship between the two countries and to build a new foundation for cooperation. The success of his trip will depend on his ability to address the concerns of the L贸pez Obrador administration and to demonstrate that the Biden administration is committed to working with Mexico to address the challenges facing the two countries. Here is a more in-depth analysis of some of the key issues that Blinken is expected to discuss with the L贸pez Obrador administration:


Migration is one of the most contentious issues in the relationship between the United States and Mexico. The United States is the largest destination for Mexican immigrants, and Mexico is the largest source of illegal immigrants to the United States. The Biden administration has pledged to take a more humane approach to border security than the Trump administration. But it has also come under pressure from Republicans to take a tougher stance on illegal immigration.

The decision to approve construction of a new border wall was particularly controversial, with critics arguing that it is a waste of money and a symbol of American xenophobia. The L贸pez Obrador administration has also criticized the decision, saying that it will only serve to further divide the two countries. Blinken is expected to try to reassure the L贸pez Obrador administration that the Biden administration is committed to working with Mexico to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty and violence. He is also likely to emphasize the importance of migration reform and the need to create a more humane and orderly immigration system.


Security is another important issue in the relationship between the United States and Mexico. The two countries face a number of common security challenges, including drug trafficking, organized crime, and terrorism. The Biden administration has pledged to work with Mexico to address these challenges. However, there have been some disagreements between the two countries over the best approach to security. For example, the L贸pez Obrador administration has been critical of the United States' reliance on military force to address drug trafficking. The administration has instead called for a more holistic approach to security that focuses on addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and inequality. Blinken is expected to discuss security cooperation with the L贸pez Obrador administration. He is likely to emphasize the importance of working together to address the common security challenges facing the two countries.


Trade is also an important issue in the relationship between the United States and Mexico. The two countries are members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has boosted trade between the two countries. However, the Trump administration renegotiated NAFTA, and the new agreement, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), was implemented in 2020. The USMCA made some changes to the original NAFTA agreement, but it remains a free trade agreement between the three countries. Blinken is expected to discuss trade cooperation with the L贸pez Obrador administration

Syria Attack: Military Ceremony In Homs Targeted

On Thursday, October 6, 2023, a military ceremony in Homs, Syria was targeted by a suicide bomber. The attack killed at least 80 people and left more than 240 seriously injured. The Syrian government has blamed the attack on the Islamic State (ISIS) group and has declared 3 days of national mourning. The attack took place at a military base in Homs, where a ceremony was being held to celebrate the graduation of a new class of soldiers. A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in the middle of the crowd, killing and injuring dozens of people. Syrian government has condemned the attack, calling it a "cowardly act of terrorism." The government has also vowed to bring the perpetrators of the attack to justice.

The attack comes as the Syrian government is struggling to contain a resurgence of ISIS activity in the country. ISIS has carried out a number of attacks in Syria in recent months, including a suicide bombing in Damascus in March that killed at least 44 people. The attack on the military ceremony in Homs is a reminder of the continued threat posed by ISIS in Syria. The attack also highlights the challenges facing the Syrian government as it tries to rebuild the country after years of civil war.

The attack on the military ceremony in Homs is a major setback for the Syrian government. The attack shows that ISIS is still able to carry out attacks in Syria, even in government-controlled areas. The attack also undermined the Syrian government's efforts to portray itself as a stable and secure country. The attack comes at a time when the Syrian government is trying to attract foreign investment and rebuild the country's economy. The attack was also a blow to the Syrian government's morale. The attack shows that ISIS is still a threat to the Syrian government and its forces. The attack also highlights the challenges facing the Syrian government as it tries to maintain control of the country.

The attack on the military ceremony in Homs is a tragedy for the Syrian people. The attack has killed and injured innocent people, including soldiers and civilians. The attack has also caused fear and anxiety among the Syrian people. The attack shows that ISIS is still able to carry out attacks in Syria, even in government-controlled areas. The attack has also led to calls for the Syrian government to do more to protect its people from ISIS attacks. The Syrian people are demanding that the government take action to defeat ISIS and restore security to the country.

The international community has condemned the attack on the military ceremony in Homs. The United Nations, the United States, and the European Union have all condemned the attack and called for those responsible to be brought to justice. The international community has also expressed concern about the resurgence of ISIS activity in Syria. The international community is calling on the Syrian government to take action to defeat ISIS and restore security to the country.

The attack on the military ceremony in Homs is a reminder of the importance of peace and stability in Syria. The attack also highlights the need for the Syrian people to unite against ISIS and other terrorist groups. The Syrian people have suffered greatly during the civil war. The attack on the military ceremony in Homs is a reminder of the need for the Syrian people to work together to rebuild their country. The Syrian people have a long history of resilience. The Syrian people have overcome many challenges in the past, and they will overcome the challenge of ISIS.

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