
Showing posts from September 20, 2023

UN General Assembly 2023 updates: Zelenskyy Condemns Russian 'Aggression'

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 21, 2023, condemning Russia's "aggression" and calling for a global response to hold Russia accountable.  Zelenskyy's speech was met with a standing ovation from the delegates at the UN General Assembly. He said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a "crime against humanity" and that Russia was trying to "destroy" Ukraine. He also said that Russia was a threat to global security and that the world needed to act to stop Russia. Zelenskyy's speech comes at a time when the war in Ukraine is in its 214th day. The war has had a devastating impact on Ukraine, with millions of people displaced from their homes and thousands killed. Zelenskyy's speech was met with mixed reactions from the international community. Some countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, praised Zelenskyy's speech and said that it was a powerful call f

Israel-Saudi Arabia 'Normalisation' Deal In Reach, Netanyahu Tells Biden

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told US President Joe Biden that a "normalization" deal with Saudi Arabia is in reach, according to a statement from the Israeli Prime Minister's Office. The statement said that Netanyahu and Biden discussed the issue in a phone call on Wednesday, and that the two leaders agreed to continue working together to promote regional peace and stability. Also, it stated that Netanyahu and Biden discussed the importance of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The news of a possible Israel-Saudi Arabia deal comes after years of tensions between the two countries. Saudi Arabia has long been a supporter of the Palestinian cause, and has refused to have official relations with Israel. However, in recent years, there have been signs of a warming in relations between the two countries. In 2020, Saudi Arabia allowed Israeli airliners to fly over its territory, and in 2021, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister met with Netanyahu in


In June 2023, a Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, was killed by gunmen in Surrey, British Columbia. India accused Canada of being complicit in Nijjar's murder, and alleged that he had been killed by Khalistani extremists. Canada denied these allegations. Hardeep Singh was an activist who was calling for separate homeland for sikhs and Canada is a home for the Worlds largest sikh community outside of India. Following the killing, Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau stood in the parliament and said there was a "credible allegation linking Indian government to the killing  " to the lives of Indians in Canada. He also urged India to cooperate with the Canadian investigation into Nijjar's murder. While the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi also accused Canada of harbouring separatist activists. Indian has gone further in refusing to cooperate with the Canadian investigation, and has accused Canada of being biased against India. India has also retaliated against


I n light of the recent military coup that resulted in the ousting of President Ali Bongo, Gabon has been subjected to a partial suspension from the Commonwealth. This suspension entails exclusion from all Commonwealth activities and suspension from the Councils of the Commonwealth. The suspension is contingent upon the restoration of democracy in Gabon. Additionally, the African Union has suspended Gabon from all AU activities in response to the coup.  the flag of common wealth It is noteworthy that Gabon became a member of the Commonwealth in 2022, despite never having been under British rule. However, members can be suspended from the Councils of the Commonwealth for serious or persistent violations of the Harare Declaration, particularly in abrogating their responsibility to have democratic government. The Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) convenes regularly to address potential breaches of the Harare Declaration and to agree upon suspensions. In light of the recent mili


On September 19, 2023, a fatal incident occurred as a Kenyan military helicopter tragically crashed near the border with Somalia, resulting in the loss of all eight individuals on board, including the crew members. The precise cause of the crash remains undetermined at present. It is worth noting that this unfortunate event took place within a region where Kenyan troops have been actively engaged in combat against al-Shabaab militants in Somalia. The primary objective of the ill-fated Kenyan military helicopter was to conduct a nocturnal patrol. The Kenya Department of Defense has officially confirmed that the helicopter was indeed engaged in a night patrol when the crash transpired.     Kenya helicopter crash  While the Kenyan military has refrained from issuing an official statement regarding the incident, a team of investigators has been dispatched to the crash site to conduct a thorough examination of the circumstances that may have contributed to the crash. This occurrence serves


O n the 19th of September, 2023, a hostile attack was launched on two military encampments situated in the northern region of Mali. Tragically, this assault resulted in the loss of five Malian soldiers, while an additional eleven individuals are reported as missing. The responsibility for this attack has been claimed by an alliance primarily composed of Tuareg armed factions. The confrontation between the Malian armed forces and the northern Tuareg rebels commenced in the town of Lere, located within the Timbuktu region, in close proximity to the border with Mauritania. The Malian armed forces have reported the demise of seven rebels during the battle, along with the destruction of eight vehicles belonging to the rebel group. Mali military The recent assault on the military encampments in northern Mali serves as a stark reminder of the peril faced by the nation's security forces, emphasizing the necessity for a comprehensive and efficacious strategy to address the ongoing security


J apan has formally requested that China remove a buoy that was discovered floating in the sea near the disputed Senkaku Islands, also known as the Diaoyu Islands in China. The Senkaku Islands dispute pertains to a territorial disagreement over a group of uninhabited islands in Japan. The recent incident involving the buoy has further exacerbated tensions between the two countries, as both claim sovereignty over the islands. The Japanese government has asserted that the buoy was deployed within Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which is a maritime area where a country has special rights regarding the exploration and utilization of marine resources. Japan contends that the presence of the buoy violates the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to which both countries are signatories. In September 2012, the Japanese government acquired three of the disputed islands from their private owner, a move that was met with significant protests in China. While Japan v