
Showing posts from August 14, 2023

In Tanzania, a lawyer and an opposition politician have been arrested

On August 11, 2023, Tanzanian authorities apprehended lawyer Tundu Lissu and opposition politician Zitto Kabwe due to their alleged involvement in planning nationwide protests against the government's collaboration with Emirati company Dubai Ports World (DP World) regarding port management. Both Lissu and Kabwe hold membership in the opposition Chadema party. Their arrests were accompanied by the detainment of others, including Lissu's spouse, Maryam. Authorities charged them with sedition and incitement of violence. Since its announcement in 2022, the DP World port management deal has ignited controversy. Detractors argue that the arrangement grants DP World excessive dominion over Tanzanian ports and could potentially lead to job losses for Tanzanian citizens. They also perceive the deal as a manifestation of the government's increasing authoritarian tendencies. The government has defended the deal, asserting that it will bring investment and employment opportunities to T

Ecuador arrested 6 Colombians in the assassination of a presidential candidate

Six Colombian nationals have been apprehended by Ecuadorian authorities in connection with the killing of presidential candidate Jaime Nebot. Nebot, a former mayor of Guayaquil, was fatally shot during his campaign in Quevedo. The arrest of these Colombian individuals underscores the security and political violence difficulties confronting Ecuador. Ecuador has been grappling with persistent violence, characterized by a high homicide rate and its role as a significant hub for drug and arms trafficking. In recent times, there has been an upsurge in political violence within the nation. In 2018, President Lenín Moreno survived an assassination attempt, while in 2021, an attempt was made on the life of Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner. The assassination of Jaime Nebot constitutes a significant setback to Ecuador's democratic progress. Nebot, a well-regarded and widely supported figure, was considered a potential frontrunner in the forthcoming 2024 presidential election. His murder has

Russia launched a lunar lander as part of its efforts to find water on the moon.

On August 11, 2023, the Russian Luna-25 lunar lander was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan with the objective of discovering water on the moon. This mission is part of Russia's broader endeavor to locate water resources on the lunar surface. Anticipated to touch down on the moon in October 2023, Luna-25 is equipped with a drilling apparatus designed to gather samples from the moon's terrain. These samples will be meticulously scrutinized for the presence of water ice, a valuable asset for upcoming human expeditions to the moon due to its potential applications in generating drinking water, rocket propellant, and various materials. Luna-25 marks the inaugural phase of Russia's series of lunar initiatives. The subsequent endeavor, Luna-26, is slated for launch in 2024. Operating as a rover, Luna-26 will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the moon's surface, seeking indications of water ice. Russia's lunar undertakings, represented by the Luna-2

MALI; The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali has withdrawn from the town of Ber

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, has pulled out of the town of Ber due to worsening security conditions. This withdrawal, announced on August 14, 2023, follows a series of attacks on MINUSMA peacekeepers in the region. In recent times, Ber has turned into a focal point of violence. In May 2023, assailants targeted a MINUSMA convoy, resulting in the deaths of two peacekeepers. In June 2023, another peacekeeper lost their life during an attack on a Ber camp. The situation escalated in July 2023 when two more MINUSMA peacekeepers were killed during a patrol attack in the area. The deteriorating security situation in Ber has severely hampered MINUSMA's operations within the town. The mission has had to curtail its movements and activities and has increasingly faced hostile encounters from armed factions. MINUSMA's exit from Ber constitutes a significant setback for Mali's peace efforts. Positioned on the main route between the capital, Bamako,