Angolan TikToker Neth Nahara has received a two-year prison term for "disparaging" President João Lourenço on TikTok. The sentence was extended from an initial six-month term to two years following an appeal made by the prosecution. Neth Nahara, known in real life as Ana da Silva Miguel, is a well-liked social media influencer in Angola, boasting over 1.1 million followers on TikTok. Neth Nahara's charges stem from a TikTok video where she voiced criticism towards the president's management of the nation's economy and accused him of engaging in corrupt practices. 

 Neth Nahara

The video gained significant attention and triggered anger among the president's supporters, who claimed that Neth Nahara had insulted the nation's leader. In August, she was taken into custody and initially sentenced to six months in prison. However, the prosecution contested the verdict, resulting in a subsequent two-year sentence.

The case has ignited fury among activists championing human rights and advocating for free speech, who have denounced the government's harsh measures to quell opposing voices and the utilization of ambiguous legislation to stifle critics. This particular case is indicative of a larger pattern observed in various African nations and globally, where governments resort to laws targeting acts deemed "insulting" or "defamatory" towards the leader of the country in order to silence dissenters and squash opposition.

Neth Nahara's sentencing coincides with the recent imprisonment of a presidential contender in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The candidate, Jean-Marc Kabund, received a seven-year sentence for disrespecting the leader of the nation. Kabund, a previous deputy leader of the legislative body and a trusted companion of President Felix Tshisekedi, faced 12 accusations, encompassing the dissemination of unverified gossip and derogatory remarks towards the head of state. Following a fallout between the two, Kabund established his own political faction in the previous year.


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