On July 6, 2023, the Ghanaian Parliament passed a bill to criminalize LGBTQ+ activity. The bill, known as the Promotion of Adequate Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values ​​Bill 2021, passed by a vote of 28 to 27.

The bill defines LGBTQ+ activity as "any act of intimacy between persons of the same sex" and "any public display of same-sex affection." It also prohibits promoting LGBTQ+ rights, funding LGBTQ+ organizations, and engaging in LGBTQ+ activities across international borders.

The bill has drawn widespread criticism from human rights groups and LGBTQ+ activists. They believe the bill is discriminatory and violates the rights of LGBTQ+ people. They also said the bill would create a climate of fear and intimidation for LGBTQ+ people in Ghana.

LGBTQ+ activists and human rights groups have voiced widespread criticism over Ghana's bill, deeming it discriminatory and a violation of LGBTQ+ rights. Their concerns extend to the fear and intimidation that will be instilled amongst LGBTQ+ individuals, resulting from the implementation of this bill.


If the bill is signed by President Nana Akufo-Addo, it will become law. The bill is currently awaiting his signature.

In Ghana, the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals face a setback with the passage of the bill. It serves as a reminder that achieving equality and eliminating discrimination requires further efforts, irrespective of one's sexual orientation or gender identity


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